Learn about the

Eclectus Parrot

KINGDOM:  Animalia
PHYLUM:  Chordata
CLASS:  Aves
ORDER:  Psittaciformes
FAMILY:  Psittacidae
GENUS:  Eclectus
SPECIES: Eclectus roratus

POPULATION SIZE:  10,000 to 50,000
WEIGHT:  400-425 G

Where to find the

Eclectus Parrot

Eclectus parrots are native to the Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea and nearby islands, northeastern Australia, and the Maluku Islands (Moluccas). They live in forests, often near water or coastal areas, and often occur in savanna woodland, mangroves, freshwater swamp, plantations, and rural gardens.

How the

Eclectus Parrot


Eclectus parrots are shy and secretive birds. They are active during the day spending most of their time collecting food, eating, and resting. They live in pairs or small flocks and at night roost in groups. These parrots are quite noisy. They make a screeching flight call, chuckling, and bell-like sounds; when feeding they keep in contact with each other using a ‘chu-wee’ sound. Eclectus parrots have an interesting adaptation that is connected with the difference of the colors of the plumage between the sexes. The female must remain conspicuous at the entry to the nest hole (to advertise her presence at her hollow to males and rival females), but well hidden when in the depths of the nest, because the red color hides her well in the darkness. The brilliant green color of the male helps him remain hidden amongst the trees whilst foraging. However, the plumage of both sexes appears spectacular when viewed in the ultraviolet spectrum, an ability that predators such as hawks and owls lack.

GROUP NAME:  flock, company, pandemonium

What does the

Eclectus Parrot


Electus parrots are herbivores (frugivores). Their diet includes mainly fruits, wild figs, unripe nuts, flower and leaf buds, and some seeds.

How many

Eclectus Parrot

are there?


Eclectus parrots are one of the more popular birds kept in captivity and thus are often hunted and trapped for trade. They also suffer from deforestation and loss of habitat.


According to the IUCN Red List, the total population size of the Eclectus parrot is 7,300-51,000 mature individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List but its numbers today are decreasing.